API Reference

Hyperliquid Whale Alert

This API retrieves real-time whale alerts on Hyperliquid, and position value over $1M.

# Required Account Level: Startup Edition and Above

Response Data

  "code": "0",
  "msg": "success",
  "data": [
      "user": "0x10f1d87fbb7617df5641d1c2bcb26f143f43202f",
      "symbol": "BTC",
      "positionSize": -39.6656,
      "entryPrice": 82992.8,
      "liqPrice": 58141.4266,
      "positionValueUsd": 3288078.2541,
      "positionAction": 2,
      "createTime": 1741863946000
      "user": "0x4fccd70e1cbd9d29b230983e54a271050beb299f",
      "symbol": "ETH",
      "positionSize": 600,
      "entryPrice": 1901.45,
      "liqPrice": 1528.7385,
      "positionValueUsd": 1138260,
      "positionAction": 1,
      "createTime": 1741863640000
userUser's hash address
symbolToken name
positionSizePosition size
entryPriceEntry price (opening price)
liqPriceLiquidation price
positionValueUsdPosition value in USD
positionActionPosition action : 1 Open, 2 Close
createTimeThe timestamp when the position was created
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!