This API retrieves performance-related information for all available coins
Response Data
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"data": [
"instrumentId": "BTCUSDT",
"exName": "Binance",
"symbol": "BTC/USDT",
"longVolUsd": 21357778015.8614,
"shortVolUsd": 21477097231.1603,
"longNumber": 4730620,
"shortNumber": 4870538,
"volUsd": 42834875247.0217,
"volUsdChangePercent24h": -16.6,
"price": 55194.6,
"indexPrice": 55198.90522727,
"priceChangePercent24h": 5.15,
"openInterestAmount": 75116.759,
"openInterest": 4141554995.7891,
"oiChangePercent24h": 3.37,
"longLiquidationUsd24h": 26109515.72,
"shortLiquidationUsd24h": 24040768.86,
"fundingRate": 0.000388,
"nextFundingTime": 1722960000000,
"oiVolRadio": 0.0967,
"oiVolRadioChangePercent24h": 23.97
Field | Description |
instrumentId | Contract identifier |
exName | Exchange name eg: Binance |
symbol | Symbol of the coin eg. BTC/USDT |
longVolUsd | 24-hour long trading volume in USD |
shortVolUsd | 24-hour short trading volume in USD |
longNumber | 24-hour long trading volume |
shortNumber | 24-hour short trading volume |
volUsd | 24-hour trading volume in USD |
volUsdChangePercent24h | Percentage change in trading volume for different time |
price | Current price of the coin |
indexPrice | Current price of the coin |
priceChangePercent24h | Percentage change in price for different time intervals. |
openInterestAmount | Open interest amount |
openInterest | Open interest |
oiChangePercent24h | Percentage change in open interest for different time intervals |
longLiquidationUsd24h | Long liquidation value in USD for different time intervals |
shortLiquidationUsd24h | Short liquidation value in USD for different time intervals |
expiryDate | Time, in milliseconds |
fundingRate | FundingRate |
predictedRate | PredictedRate |
nextFundingTime | Time, in milliseconds |
oiVolRadio | Open interest volume ratio |
oiVolRadioChangePercent24h | Percentage change in open interest volume ratio for different time intervals. |