API Reference

Hyperliquid Whale Position

This API retrieves whale positions on Hyperliquid with a value over $1M.

# Required Account Level: Startup Edition and Above

Response Data

  "code": "0",
  "msg": "success",
  "data": [
      "user": "0x20c2d95a3dfdca9e9ad12794d5fa6fad99da44f5",
      "symbol": "ETH",
      "positionSize": -76550.069,
      "entryPrice": 3092.09,
      "markPrice": 1873.8,
      "liqPrice": 3227.3951,
      "leverage": 25,
      "marginBalance": 5734212.5687,
      "positionValueUsd": 143355314.2163,
      "unrealizedPnL": 93345055.2321,
      "fundingFee": -3174117.0555,
      "marginMode": "cross",
      "createTime": 1741680802000,
      "updateTime": 1741854005000
      "user": "0x7fdafde5cfb5465924316eced2d3715494c517d1",
      "symbol": "BTC",
      "positionSize": -516.0433,
      "entryPrice": 88225.5,
      "markPrice": 82992,
      "liqPrice": 110786.3387,
      "leverage": 20,
      "marginBalance": 2140367.1177,
      "positionValueUsd": 42807342.3535,
      "unrealizedPnL": 2720863.3382,
      "fundingFee": -593005.4931,
      "marginMode": "cross",
      "createTime": 1741665503000,
      "updateTime": 1741854007000
userUser's hash address
symbolToken name
positionSizePosition size
entryPriceEntry price (opening price)
markPriceMarket price (current price)
liqPriceLiquidation price
leverageLeverage multiplier
marginBalanceMargin balance
positionValueUsdPosition value in USD
unrealizedPnLUnrealized profit and loss
fundingFeeFunding fee
marginModeMargin mode (e.g., "cross" or "isolated")
createTimeThe timestamp when the position was created
updateTimeThe timestamp of the last update to the position
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!